Expectations of Cursillo Secretariat Members

Serving on Cursillo Secretariat is a call to God’s service. But, there are also particular responsibilities and performance expectations which come with this ministry. As a Secretariat member, you are called to:

1. Support all fellow members of the Secretariat through upholding each in regular prayer.

2. Live the Fourth Day through participating in a permanent group reunion and attending Ultreyas and Servant Community events on a regular basis. Piety, Study, and Action should be an integral part of your life in Christ.

3. Become familiar with the Edmonton Cursillo Guidelines, CACS Guidelines, and relevant NECS Cursillo information.

4. Be committed to promoting the Authentic Cursillo.

5. Work together with other members of the Secretariat to promote a spirit of love, unity and trust.

6. Be familiar with the particular job responsibilities which accompany your position, and ensure that each of the tasks associated with these responsibilities are completed in a timely manner.

7. Act in good faith and in the best interests of the Edmonton Cursillo community, since you have a fiduciary responsibility (hold a position of trust.)

8. Prepare for meetings. This includes reading the minutes of the previous meeting, identifying any questions or concerns, and bringing your written reports and great ideas.

9. Attend all Secretariat meetings, ask questions as needed, and develop a working knowledge of meeting procedures and current activities of the Secretariat. In the event that you are unable to attend a meeting, advise the Lay Director and provide your report in writing.

10. Keep matters of a delicate or personal nature confidential, as defined by the Secretariat.