Servant Community

October 16, 2021 – Planetary Prayer

All are invited to a unique opportunity for Planetary Prayer, October 16, 6-8 pm at St Matthias Anglican, 6210-188 Street NW, Edmonton (just off the Henday). The session is led by Cursillistas Janet Kwantes and Scott McDonald of St Thomas’ Sherwood Park, who explain it thus: We are all moving thru Covid, navigating the challenges of changing social isolation requirements, on a path of reconciliation, dealing with personal challenges while also witnessing national and global unrest. Here is an opportunity to join with others in a circle of walking prayer for healing and resiliency. It will be a group process of praying for ourselves, our communities, our nation and our world.  Be assured that mobility limitations will not be an issue. Please RSVP by October 1 to Janet Kwantes:, 780 410 0365Masks and hand sanitizer will be available

September 18, 2021 – Mananita in celebration of Bishop Steve’s consecration

The Rt. Rev. Stephen London was consecrated Bishop of Edmonton Diocese this day. He made his Weekend in 2019 and is a gracious supporter of our movement. And so a large gathering of Cursillistas gathered on his front lawn at 7:15 a.m. to sing the Mananita and wake the dawn of this glorious day.

September 1, 2021 – Prayer Vigil for Bishop-Elect Stephen London

About 40 individuals and parishes registered online for one-hour increments in the 24-hour prayer vigil created Edmonton Anglican Cursillo. Our Spiritual Director, the Rev. Laureta Blondin, put together some prayers and biblical references to support participants’ meditations during the Prayer Vigil from 11 a.m. September 17 to 11 a.m. September 18.

August 7, 2021 – Frog Lake Pow Wow

Read the story here.

Fred Matthews, Anglican lay reader in charge of the Church of the Nativity, Frog Lake, spoke to our June 2021 Ultreya about the renewed importance of listening to and walking with Canada’s indigenous peoples, to deepen understanding and relationship. We are invited to do just that by travelling with Fred, by bus, to the Frog Lake National Historic Site on Day 2 of the community’s Pow Wow on August 7. We will also witness the Grand Entry to the Pow Wow. The bus(es) leaves St Thomas’ Anglican, 4A Raven Drive, Sherwood Park, at 8 am and will be back by 5 pm. All are welcome. Please register for the journey by emailing Fred at Donations are requested to cover the cost of transport.